“Direct Democracy” - Observations from the Swiss Constitution
EVERY PERSON must have an Equal Opportunity to Participate in Political Decision-Making Switzerland's constitution, known as the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation, includes provisions that guarantee comprehensive rights for citizens to participate in political life. These provisions are embedded throughout the constitution, affirming the principles of democracy, political rights, and participation.
Participation in Political Life One of the key articles in the Swiss Constitution that establishes the principles of political rights and participation is Article 34. This article outlines the fundamental rights of citizens regarding political rights and participation in public affairs. It states:
"Political rights are guaranteed. The exercise of political rights must be free, and every person must have an equal opportunity to participate in political decision-making. The Confederation and the Cantons shall take measures to ensure that the citizens may freely form an opinion and that their decision-making capacity is safeguarded. They shall ensure the transparency of state activities and the protection of the privacy of the individual. They shall provide for education and continuing education in civic matters and shall promote political understanding and readiness to assume political responsibility."
Important Principles
This article emphasizes the principles of freedom, equality, transparency, education, and political responsibility, all of which are essential for ensuring comprehensive rights for citizens to participate in political life. Additionally, the Swiss Constitution includes other articles that further elaborate on specific aspects of political participation and rights, such as the right to vote, the right to stand for election, and the organization of political institutions at the federal, cantonal, and municipal levels. Overall, the Swiss Constitution provides a robust framework for ensuring comprehensive rights for citizens to participate in political life, and Article 34 serves as a key reference in this regard.
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